Everything You Need to Know About Braces Payment Plans

Braces are a beneficial investment in straighter and healthier-looking teeth and can play an instrumental role in correcting bite dysfunctions. 

If you’re considering having your teeth straightened with braces, you might also be wondering how much it will cost. Unfortunately, the price of braces can be challenging to pin down. The cost of braces largely depends on several factors, including the severity of your teeth’s misalignment and the brand of braces you choose.

However, there are ways of paying for braces that make them more affordable. One option is a payment plan; with this option, you can pay for your orthodontics treatments at a better rate than if you were to pay in one lump sum. What does this mean for you? We’ll tell you everything about payment plans so you can start on a healthier future for your teeth today!

Why Choose a Payment Plan?

You Can Pay at a Fixed Rate Over a Longer Period

Braces can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay for them all at once. Choosing a payment plan may help you afford your treatment more efficiently. 

At their most basic level, payment plans allow you to pay for your braces over a longer period. When you choose a payment plan, you’ll typically make small payments every month or every few months. 

Instead of having to pay large upfront costs to receive the treatment that you need, you can spread out the payments at a rate that is more affordable with your budget. You can start enjoying the benefits of straighter and healthier teeth right away without any financial barriers getting in the way. 

You Have Flexibility in Choosing How You Want to Pay for Your Treatment

When you choose a payment plan, you’ll also have flexibility in determining how you want to pay for your treatment. For example, if you have a lot of cash on hand, you might opt to make higher or advanced payments.

You could also create a payment plan for a percentage of the total cost. If you want to pay half upfront and then finance the other 50%, you can also choose this option or something similar. 

What to Look for in a Braces Payment Plan 

In-House Financing

An in-house financing option can be a great way to save money on your braces payment plan. If your orthodontist practice offers this option, you’ll be able to pay them directly rather than through a third-party lender. This means you typically won’t have any interest rates or other fees associated with your financing, which can add up over time. 

In-house financing also means that the practice will likely have more flexibility regarding the terms and conditions of the loan. If you need an extended repayment period or want to pay off your braces early, they may be able to accommodate your needs. You should always ask if this option is available at the orthodontist’s office where you’re considering treatment. 

Low to No Interest Rates

The interest rate on your payment plan will determine how much you end up paying in interest over the life of your payment plan. This is important because it can significantly impact how much money you end up spending on braces. In-house financing is a great way to get a low-interest rate on your payment plan, as these plans are designed specifically for medical services like braces. 

Payment Duration

A fixed payment plan during the treatment window may still have too high of a rate for your preferences. In that case, you should consider looking for a loan that allows you to continue paying past the time the treatment has ended so you can spread it out longer and continue to pay a lower monthly fee. 

Insurance Support

One thing that can stop you from getting the treatment you deserve is cost. If you don’t have dental insurance or can’t afford to pay for the entire procedure out-of-pocket, it can be discouraging and cause you to put off getting your braces. Look for an orthodontist that accepts a wide variety of dental insurance providers, which can also help cover some or all of your braces, reducing or eliminating monthly payments for you. 

Get Patient-Friendly Braces Payment Plans with Henry Orthodontics

There are many options when you’re looking for braces payment plans. Some clinics offer interest-free financing and flexible payment options, while others charge additional fees or make you pay the entire cost upfront.

At Henry Orthodontics, we believe that orthodontic treatment should be patient-friendly. We offer a simple and affordable payment plan that includes zero-interest in-house financing that can extend beyond the time of treatment to our patients in St. Augustine, FL, and surrounding communities.

Our orthodontic team will sit down with you to discuss your needs and preferences and help you create a plan that works for you. We want our patients to feel comfortable during their treatment to focus on what matters most: getting back to their favorite foods!